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Category: Health & Wellness

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A senior couple in bed, one lying under the covers while the other sits on the edge, head in their hands in embarrassment

Can Certain Medications Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Many people assume that sex drive reduces as you age, with the idea of our grandparents having sex as practically unthinkable. However, sexual desire is just another aspect of health and something many seniors experience and want out of life. Since, as we age, the need for medications can increase, many seniors wonder how their…
A senior couple being silly and having fun while preparing a new recipe in their kitchen.

Recipes for Seniors That Only Use a Toaster Oven

Whether you're looking for a simple meal to throw together or a more advanced and delicious dish, thinking of new recipes can often seem like a chore. Life can be busy, after all—especially for seniors living in independent or assisted living. Fortunately, our team is here to help with a list of healthy recipes that…

Inspired Lifestyles

Assisted Living

Assisted living fosters independence by providing tailored support, ensuring residents can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle with care designed to meet their unique needs.

Memory Care

Person-first memory care programs provide individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia the support they need to stay engaged, mentally active, and connected in their daily lives.

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